Janie Fricke
Janie Fricke
Country singer Janie Fricke's music still sounds like country music, which is rare these days. In late September (when according to Rod Stewart, you really should be back in school), Fricke released A Country Cowgirl Christmas, the first Christmas album in her 43-year recording career. She is her own label now, and she talks about how the whole project is based out of her Texas ranch, from figuring out what songs to do at the dinner table to filling CD orders in her home office. Along the way, she focuses on the songs as extensions of her life.
In this week's episode, I also talk about singer Debbie Davis and her husband Matt Perrine's efforts to record a second volume of their Oh Crap! It's Christmas so that they can pay New Orleans musicians to work. She's trying to crowdsource funding for the project, and you can find out how to help at her website. Debbie and I talked about Christmas music on the podcast last season.
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